Understanding Portion Control for Weight Loss

There’s a big secret to losing weight that’s often overlooked: understanding portion control. Weight loss isn’t just about what you eat, but also about how much you eat. Knowing about portion control can make all the difference when it comes to reaching your fitness goals.

Simply put, portion control is about understanding how much of each type of food you should be eating. It’s easy to over- or under-estimate a portion size. Mostly, we rely on our eyes to size up if the amount is right. Have a look at your plate – is half of it filled with fruits and vegetables? Are your protein and grains about a quarter each of your plate?

Sounds simple, right? Yeah, not so fast. Our eyes can sometimes play tricks on us. That’s what plate, cup, and bowl sizes, and even the size of your fork or spoon, can impact how much we serve ourselves.

So, here’s the deal. It’s not about avoiding certain foods but better understanding the correct portion sizes. It’s like learning again how to fill your plate. Like remembering that one serving of meat should look like a deck of cards or that a cup of vegetables is about the size of a baseball. And it’s not just about size – it’s about balance too.

You don’t need to carry a measuring tape with you. No, no, no. Just think: half a plate of veggies, a quarter plate of protein, a quarter of grains, and some healthy fats, and voila! You’ve got yourself a balanced meal.

Portion control is like a form of self-care. It’s about looking after your health while still enjoying food. Because let’s be honest – life without a tasty chow-down isn’t a life lived fully, am I right?

So, let’s get cracking with this portion control, folks. It’s time to turn that mountain of pasta into more of a hill.

Talking about hills, if you need a guide on this journey, we’re here for you. At Unbeaten Fitness, we know how challenging it can be to climb that mountain alone. That’s why we’re offering a No Sweat Intro, a free consultation with a coach who can help you to better understand portion control, work out a plan that suits you, and guide you every step of the way.

Ready to get started? Schedule your [No Sweat Intro](https://unbeatenfitnessrichland.com/free-intro/) today. Let’s embark on this journey together and enjoy the ride to reach your fitness goals, unbeaten!



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